How did this year go for you? What is it that you would like to see different in the next year? For me, I want to be healthy and happy. I want to get rid of my food addictions and be able to handle everyday life and stress without turning to wine or food. I want to be able to keep a workout routine without always having to fight with myself to keep going. I want to really be able to see myself worth and inspire women all over the globe.
As I am writing I am realizing that I am inspiring women all over the globe, because when you are doing something so important, you will have your ups and downs as you go along. I am sharing all of me with you so that you know that it is okay to be you. It is okay to be up then down, how else are you going to learn from your experiences. Know that you are not alone in this journey, and I do know that I am not alone. We are literally peeling away layers of ourselves so we can be the best self that God has put us on this earth to be.
What is it that you are going to do today to keep you moving forward and prepare for the upcoming New Year? Today, I am going to organize my home and make sure that every nook and cranny is absent of anything that will hold me back. I will get rid of the clothes that no longer fit, I will get rid of the food that keeps me unhealthy, I will get rid of the clutter of bills and anything that is keeping my mind in a feel sorry for me state. I will start to write everyday what I am grateful for along with writing to someone about how grateful I am to them. I am going to practice being in a positive mindset and lifting myself higher into a spiritual realm. I want to be someone that everyone wants to be around, including me. The past few months of the year have been very difficult. I have had to learn things about me that I thought had already been handled. I will live in the present moment and appreciate all that is coming my way.
Think about it my friends and put whatever you need to in immediate action. Do it like your whole life depends on it; in reality it really does.
Have a great Last Sunday of the YEAR....until we meet again.