Can you imagine how Thanksgiving was not that far away, and then Christmas came and went as well as the New Year. It is amazing how fast life is going by...we are already getting closer to Valentine's Day.
One thing I have noticed is how I have been present in my days. It goes by fast and yet is seems like it is taking forever. It is the strangest feeling but I am appreciating my every day on this planet.
One thing I can say about my life is that it is MAGICAL!!! It seems that everything in my life has purpose and it all ties together. Do you ever notice how everything works out one way or another? We always worry about what if or how will we get through...you get the picture...we all do it; but magically everything works out for our highest good.
Another thing about my life is it is EXTRAORDINARY. There is nothing in my life that is not for my highest good. I feel like I am so special and everything is a gift from God.
My life is filled with OPPORTUNITIES. Everyday there is someone or something coming to me to move my life forward. When I am present to my life I don't miss a thing. I have people contacting me to participate with my business, people contacting me to participate in their events...it's because of who I am being and how present I am in my everyday life.
My life is filled with CREATION. I am able to create different ways of communication to help people be the best versions of themselves. I get to be a Radio Talk Show Host, Just RITA http://www.247thestream.com every Monday afternoon. I get to blog and share my experiences so that you know you are not living life alone. It is amazing when someone gives of themselves freely so others can live their life as well.
One of the biggest things about my life is it is filled with so much LOVE. My life is filled with love because I no longer deny myself of it. When I was growing up I was very angry, I did not feel that I was loveable. However, as I grew, I experienced and learned from my mistakes; I realized that I am loveable and the only way to be loved is to love myself first.
Every day I wake up and every day I go to sleep I am filled with GRATITUDE. All day every day I am grateful for all that is in my life; regardless if I perceive it good or bad. Everything in my life from the day I was born too right now had taught me to be who I am.
I love what I have to share with all of you; I am gratefully blessed for all of it. My hope for you is to realize that we are all in it together; we are only alone if we choose it.
Have an amazing day my friends...Until we meet again.
With all my love...Rita