Sometimes we will find ourselves in very painful situations not realizing that at the end of the drama there is a New Beginning waiting for us. We will be able to look back for a minute a see how it has actually worked out for our highest good; no matter what the situation.
We are always growing and creating in our lives. Most times people will stop themselves because of what someone else might say or think. We need to know; no matter what it is our life for us to live. We can't live our life for someone else; especially for our loved ones. Family is usually the ones who keep us back; they feel like they are helping us but in reality, they are hindering us. Family mostly means well, but we always have to live our own truth and our own lives.
When you are exploring New Beginnings...figure out what it is that you want in your life...what is it that you have always wanted to do and have not done it. Think about the questions you have and want to ask; it is always great to collaborate with likeminded people to get a clearer picture.
Think about this today; Our families have lived their lives, making mistakes (learning lessons) to keep them moving forward in their lives. Do not deny yourself the same life lessons to move forward in your life. We are all here with a purpose and a journey; you need to live your life the way you need to. You are a precious gift and you need to share yourself fully with the world to make it a better place.
Remember painful endings always bring great new beginnings; when you are going through a tough time know that you have something amazing ready to start the next chapter of your life. Don't keep yourself stuck in the misery of your puddle, make sure that you clear away the clutter so you can appreciate what is happening new in your life.
Until we meet again...Just Rita