2020 was rough for many people, and it has spilled into 2021. Many are finding themselves at a loss and wondering what life has in store for them. I wonder the same things for myself. I wonder what we needed to learn and let go of to keep moving forward in our lives.
Last year was a challenging year for most; some lost family, friends, their livelihood as they knew it. Some created a whole new life for themselves with the obstacles put in front of them. It's amazing how life happens, and we see how the human race responds.
I look back at where I was last year, and I, too, went through a lot of growth. I had to let go of people I loved. I had to learn how to adapt to what is new and stay connected without being in someone's personal space. I had to adjust to who I truly am and start to love and accept myself no matter what.
When we go through a loss of any kind, we get taken back a bit to reevaluate our lives. We wonder why things have happened in our lives and why things continue to happen. We sometimes become victims to the circumstances around us, not realizing that sometimes things are happening to us for our good.
Answered Prayers; we think that when our prayers are answered, they should be beautiful and magical. Most times, when our prayers are answered, they come in the most undesirable packages. Answered prayers may come as a break-up, lost job, dispute of some kind, loss of possessions for even money. We only see what is right in front of us, so we see things happening to us instead of for us. We are not looking at the bigger picture, only what is in front of us; when we see this way, we miss a lot of what is happening for us.
We need to learn how to develop the skill of looking at things from a bird's eye view perspective and not react to what is happening but responding instead.
It's patience that we need to develop; we are taught so many different ways to learn patience. As we get further into the world of technology, we have lost the art of patience and want everything instantly. We get tired of waiting for what we want, but if we learn patience, maybe what we want is not what we need. If we got everything instantly, we would be receiving a lot of what we don't want. We would be getting what we are reacting to instead of responding.
That is something to ponder, responding to what we want instead of reacting to what we think we want. Think about it, what if you had a relationship with every person you thought you wanted? You would be more F-Upped than you already are. LOL...instead, when we have patience, we realize that we have dodged some bullets. When we have patience and let go of the expectations, what comes to us is what we need.
Today my friends, look at your life. Where have you been and where are you going. What are you reacting to compared to what are you responding to? Give yourself the grace to forgive and keep moving forward.
Have a fantastic day!!!
Love, Just Rita Real Talk