My father in law is doing so much better. We take for granted our health and when something changes our whole world shatters for a minute. This has been dad's experience through his health scare. He had never been sick or needed any kind of surgery; this has thrown him for a loop. But it is amazing when you have the power of prayer and God on your side, how quickly you can recover. We are so grateful to have dad healthy again.
Which brings me to today's inspiration; just looking at the picture gives you a sense of love and peace. When I came across it yesterday I immediately felt better and full of love. I knew that no matter what happens in our lives we can always look around and know that magic is all around us. The possibilities of anything can happen is all around us, we just need to stop and look around for a while.
I was helping my mom in the yard last night, doing a little gardening. I came across this pretty big black snake, it gave me a bit of a fright but I chatted with it for a bit. My mom was laughing. I noticed that it really wasn't moving; maybe shedding when I realized it was stuck in the mesh. So I started to cut away at the mesh to set it free...boy was she mad, as she kept striking at me I would just talk and calm her down. When she realized I was trying to set her free she actually faced forward trying to wiggle herself free as I cut away the mesh. It was quite an amazing moment. It was a moment that I realized how precious life is, and how many gifts are right in front of us that we never see. Just a few minutes prior to seeing the snake I was praying to God not to come across anything poisonous or chiggers...and there was this beautiful snake that needed some help. By the way, I did get some chiggers....hahahaha
I don't know why exactly I shared that story, but we need to look around each day so we can see all the magic and possibilities that are waiting to be discovered in our lives. We need to breathe in and drink up all that life has to offer us. Today, let's look around and count all the ways our lives are magical and filled with possibility; I bet it will be a lot.
Until we meet again my friends...I will be out of town from Wednesday to Wednesday...I have a big It Works Retreat in Las Vegas, and I am meeting my two brothers I had never met before....It will be a crazy ride for the next few days. I look forward to sharing it all with you.