Let's look at this in different perspectives...one perspective there is so much happening in the world today with violence, harassment, floods, hurricanes, fires, elections, divisions...the list can go on and on if we let it. How much of your time are you giving to all of what's happening in the world that does not directly affect you?
What's amazing is when the disasters or the violence that breaks out we come together to help one another as if we are all one; then when the dust settles we get our magnifying glasses out pointing fingers to who did not do enough or catch it in time. This happens all the time.
Then there are situations that happen in the world and all of a sudden, we are taking it as it is our own crusade. People are posting polls on social media who has been affected by Sexual Harassment in the work place.... Answer...we all have at one time or another; women and men...no one is left out. But we jump on wagons and start to let the wagon steel our energy.
What is it that you want in your life, how do you want to show up? Do you want to be a part of every controversial conversation...because that can be exhausting? Do you want to be informed but not inundated with all the drama? Do you want to focus on what directly affects you and continue to keep your own energy? These are questions that can strike up quite a conversation, and I would like to see where you are at.
I love the quote Be The Change You Want To See In The World. If you want drama, look around you there is drama. If you want peace and harmony, look around you there is peace and harmony.
Tune in tonight...I will take callers and hear your side at 7pm cst at tobtr.com/s/10346549