This quote is the perfect complement to the blog I wrote yesterday. We were raised to carry the guilt and shame of all our perceived mistakes. We spend more time beating ourselves up and punishing ourselves that we don't realize how much we have learned.
Do you remember when our teachers told us "there were no stupid questions," but when we asked, we were made to feel stupid? We were laughed at or used as an example. From that point forward, we stopped raising our hands, and we were left to ourselves to figure out what we needed. I wonder if that is why most of us don't ask for help. We are afraid of being ridiculed and laughed at.
How do we learn if we don't fall or fail? How do we learn to pick ourselves up if we don't even try? There is no way anything that has been discovered wasn't without failure. The brave are the ones who keep failing and never giving up on themselves. They get up and keep trying because they know they are going to make something work.
Can you imagine, if you looked back at your whole life, and every time you perceived you failed at something, you saw a stone? How many stones do you think you have? How far can those stones reach too? Can you use them as a path, a street, a sidewalk?
Think about who you are today; where did all those stones lead you to? You can't be who you are today without those stones.
Start to love and appreciate all those stones you have laid out for yourself. You owe it to you to honor your journey. It does not matter if the people around you don't understand because it is not their journey to understand. Just like it is not for you to understand another's journey.
Let's set aside all the judgment, genuinely appreciate who we are, and start to receive the love we so desire. Just so you know, that love we so want has to come from us. We have to accept who we are and our journey and start to give ourselves the love we have been longing for.
Have an amazing day, my beautiful friends. May you start appreciating the stones you have laid out for yourself because you are a fantastic human being.
Rita Owen
Just Rita Real Talk