Today's quote is perfect for what many people are going through in their lives. So many of us are going through difficult struggles that we would not wish on anyone, yet here we are, ready to throw in the towel. So this quote came to me at a very perfect time.
The last couple of years have hit us all hard as a collective...no country has not been scathed through this whole pandemic, and now there is war. We have been dragged through the trenches, and most of us can't see the light at the end of the tunnel. So instead, we find ourselves clawing our way out of the holes we are in. We feel alone, no one cares, and feel like we are being abandoned in life. So many deaths, so many changes, so many demands; we can't imagine how we will make it through our lives.
This is what I have been hearing from my clients, and I have had to deal with my own self in life. But what is impressive in all of this...this is actually all temporary. We are being stretched and pulled to get back to basics, get back together with family and loved ones, and get back to living a simpler life than what we have been living. All we have to do is look around us and realize where we are and who is around us. Yes, some definitely have it worse than others, but what is comforting is that we are not alone in it. We are actually all in it together if we can just get a little perspective.
As we start to give up and throw in the towel, God and our Angels are our cheerleaders to keep moving forward. Sometimes, we need a little perspective to get us over the hump to keep going. It does not matter how long it takes to get to our destination, as long as we don't quit. But, if we do, it's another way to beat ourselves up and keep us held back.
No matter what is going on in your life, there is always a solution. It takes perspective, looking at things from a different point of view, and knowing you are the right person to solve any situation you are in.
I love you all. I hope you have a fantastic day!!!