Do you ever notice when you start to do something big the teachers come out of the woodwork; it's amazing how many teachers I have come across so far.
One of the most amazing things about teachers is that they continually allow you to see how much you have grown as a person. They never miss an opportunity to show you how amazing you have become. They almost never miss the opportunity to show you how much patience you actually have and how many times you will find yourself silent instead of getting defensive. These are some of the most wonderful things I have been acknowledging for myself.
I have been taught when you are truly starting to shine, you will be tested; it is up to you to keep going or to quit. When someone starts to see you differently, maybe becoming stronger, they want to keep you just as you were. They don't want to be without that person they are used to, so in their own way they try to keep you back. This is the time to stand tall and strong and not fall into the trap.
I have been guilty of falling into many traps and kept myself back, not living my true passion and potential. I have finally decided to be who I was born to be...and that my friends, is an extraordinary woman. There is one more point I would like to make..."LOVE YOURSELF!"
I too have found that people mistake new found love for one self as boasting or being full of one's self. The reality is no one person in this world is going to love you the way you need to be loved; you can only get that kind of love from YOU. Sometimes people are uncomfortable being around other people who can express self love; that is a huge indication that they don't love themselves. I recently dealt with this myself; someone could not handle me saying how much I loved a particular picture of me. She made a few comments to other people and I stood strong and tall and said "There is nothing wrong for loving myself and loving my picture."
The Teachers that appear when we are doing great things are amazing people. Keep living your dreams and striving for the stars; you deserve all the goodies life has to offer. Don't let anyone discourage you and throw you off your path.
Have an amazing evening my friends...until we meet again.
With love...Rita
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