Always believe in yourself and always know that no matter what is happening in your life you can get through it. These past couple of months have been extremely hard for me. I have put on some weight because of some meds I have been on, and not being able to say no to the yummy food since Thanksgiving. It has only been a few pounds, however I have been very disappointed in myself along with beating myself up.
Here's the hard part; I always share with all of you to be kind to yourself, love yourself and give yourself grace. I don't always follow my advice. This past weekend I spent a lot of time crying and putting things into perspective. I am so grateful for everything that I have. I am a miracle, no matter what shape or size, or what some people think of me. We are amazing beautiful women who can make any miracle happen.
I love all of you out there, I am wishing you the most loving and giving holiday season. May all your dreams come true, and you know how beautiful and confident you are.
Merry Christmas my friends, until we meet again.