I came across this inspiration today, and it hit me hard. There are many beautiful things happening in my life, and yet I have so many endings happening at the same time. I find myself sad, angry and disappointed and yet I am happy and ready to live life.
There are so many things that happen in our lives, from the time we are born till present time. We have experienced so many things; it may leave us wondering if we are coming or going. We take every single event very personally and carry it with us to either guard us or prepare us for what may happen. We may find ourselves feeling alone and wondering what it is we are doing.
Have you ever just sat and wondered "What the Hell"?
I have been finding of late, recovering from knee replacement, a little sorry for myself. Some times the pain gets to be a little too much and too often, and I feel crabby and sorry for myself. It's a type of sorry for myself that allows me to look at all the changes that have happened along with trying to figure it all out. But honestly, I think I am doing a lot of grieving for loss of what was and friendships ending. I have been playing situations in my head over and over, trying to figure it all out. When doing that, it pulls me further into the utter sadness of it all.
When I saw this inspiration today, I immediately knew I needed to blog. I needed to get my feelings out and share it with all of you so I can move on. I have to look at myself in situations and be responsible for the changes and the endings. The changes I see have all been for my highest good, and I love it. The end of friendships, it hurts, but it is for my highest good and theirs.
How we respond to any given situation depends upon if we take responsibility in our own lives or not. Honestly, no one can make us feel anyway; we are the ones who can only allow us to feel a particular way. We are the ones with the power and the responsibility to continue to be powerful and strong, even when we don't feel like it.
Also, we need to feel our emotions and feelings. When we don't take responsibility for how we feel, we can not work through them. Most times, we tend to stuff them down, waiting for the shoe to drop; that only makes things worse. When we are responsible for how we are feeling and work through it, that is greatness and courage. We start to see how we are becoming stronger in our lives instead of weaker. The ones who can't handle their emotions suffer a great deal. The ones who deal with their emotions do great things in their lives because they are not afraid.
When you take responsibility in your life, it comes with great power. A power that you never really knew you had.
Take a look at your life. What is it that you keep going over and over in your head? Take the time to be with the situations, look at what your parts were and what you learned. Start to realize how amazing you are and how much stronger and better you are for the situation.
Be responsible for all that happens in your life; it will set you free, and wonderful things will happen.
Just Rita Real Talk