Today I want to talk to you about letting go of anything that is holding you back. There are so many things that happen in our lives that give us a great excuse to give up...however we are here to learn everything we can so we can have an amazing future.
One thing to start to let go of is negative thoughts...I know how hard it is; I deal with myself on a daily basis. I have to see people who tried to make my life miserable and I had to learn how to let it go. I started to find myself shutting down and closing myself off to my neighbors, wondering who is going to start trouble next; however that is no way to live. What you think about you start to become; the only thing you want to become is someone who is positive and loving no matter what.
What you feel you attract. Have you ever realized when you are in a negative place in your mind, you literally start attracting more drama to you? I know for myself I have done that many times. I would take things so personally and then before you know it I was surrounded by more drama. One thing that we never realize is what we don't want we actually draw to us. Somehow we need to start thinking of all situations as learning experiences that will take us much further than we could have ever imagined. Maybe then we will truly see how our world will shift and change around us.
What you imagine you create. This is so true in my experience. I have learned to create amazing scenarios in my mind, and when I do things always turn our just as I suspected. When I create negative scenarios in my mind, it always turns out as I thought it would. We are powerful beings and we don't even realize it.
When you are constantly thinking of negative stuff that is not working for your highest good, think of this song; play it in your head. You will be surprised how often you have the song playing in your head helping you to LET IT GO!!!
Have an amazing day my friends....Until we meet again...
With all my love...Rita
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