I came across this inspiration today, “Sometimes you have to let go of what you thought life would be like, and learn to find joy in the story you are actually living.” What a great thought to ponder.
Every day I am in my life, I have good days and bad days…but the bad days are nothing compared to what someone else may be going through. I look at where I am at in life, it was not in the plan but here I am. I am with myself, in my own space with two kitties figuring it all out.
Now, I could be living my life like a victim and being angry, not caring and just giving up; or as I am doing, I am living my life as powerful as I can to keep moving forward. Trust me; I talk myself off the ledge often. I rationalize situations in my life so I become powerful in the moment and not beat myself up. I have to tell myself to be patient; everything comes in Diving Planning and Timing.
I am taking the moments to the days, to the weeks and so on, to really appreciate who I am. What is it that I actually want in my life; who do I want in my life, and most importantly how am I growing to be the best version of who I am.
It is the New Year; we all have an opportunity to take full advantage of new beginnings, new ways of thinking, new ways of speaking, and new ways of being. We have this opportunity to change what we don’t like and start to change our story into the one we desire. The question you have to ask yourself is, are you truly ready to change your story, or are you still going to talk about how it doesn’t work. Even when there is a lot of stress in ones’ life you can still find moments in your life when you were happy.
Here is our problem; when we have a lot of stress, drama, heartache we can’t find anything in our lives that actually work. We see everything as doom and gloom…we can’t seem to get past what is in front of our face. One thing for us to start realizing as soon as we can is to think about all the things we can be grateful for. I know it sounds silly, but when you start to count all the things that are working it makes you see some joy in your life. You will also start to realize you have the tools you need to get through anything that is going on in your life. Also, you will realize everything is temporary; this too shall pass.
Nothing truly works out as our own plan. There is Divine Planning that is going on all around us. We need to go through situations so we can learn and grow. Look at the situation you are currently in, what is it that you need to learn from it. Are you the one who has to learn from the action, or are you a part of someone else’s growth. You have to start looking at all sides of a situation and start to realize everything is happening for you, even if you may not understand at the time.
Whenever we look in hind-sight, we seem to get it…but if you are someone who only sees the negative, you will continue to be stuck and unhappy. Change the way you see the world by changing the way you see yourself in it. Start to see yourself as someone being powerful no matter the situation. You will see the world change all around you.
Have an amazing day!!!
Just Rita Real Talk