This quote has such an impact on what I find myself thinking about. Do you ever look around yourself and say this is not my life or I can't believe this is my life...not in a way that says anything positive. You know what I mean right???
You are looking around at all the obstacles you are going through, all the disappointments, all the challenges as if it will never end. Some people will say "No good deed goes unpunished". We try to do the best in our lives and yet we feel we are slammed with constant turmoil all the time.
The bills pile up, the jobs are lost, the car needs fixing, the house needs repair, the frig just went out or the washer or dryer; we are all juggling life on a daily basis.
BUT WAIT!!! Look around one more time....wipe your eyes, what do you see????
My home I get to live in, the car I get to drive and get repaired. I get to lay my head down at night knowing my family is fast asleep and safe. I get to clean up the dishes from all the meals I prepare; I get to either do laundry in my home or drive to the laundry mat; better yet I have clothes to actually clean. I have a job to go to or the opportunity to do something I really want to do in life. I get to live my life on a daily basis; it really is perspective.
What's amazing is that there is always someone out there struggling worse than we could ever imagine. They are wishing they had our problems instead of the ones they have. They may be going from shelter to shelter, or parking lot to parking lot. They may be trying to figure out how they are going to get their kids fed and clothed or even kept warm; maybe they have it all and yet they have gone through a terrible tragedy. Their problems are bigger than we can even imagine.
We always think the grass is greener on the other side...let's start looking around and truly see what we really do have. Let's start to be grateful for all the blessings we have instead of thinking there should be more.
In our reality we are always looking at what someone else has or doesn't have to determine our is time to look and appreciate at all that we have and don't have in our lives. If it was meant to be ours it would be...what is ours is meant to be for us.
Think about that for today...and really look at what you really do have and I will do the same. Have an amazing day my beautiful friends.
Just Rita Real Talk
Tune in Thursday Night's
7c/8e/5p PM
I am always looking to have new guests on the show that is willing to share their story and have a GREAT CONVERSATION.