Happy New Year my friends...while we are reflecting on all that was in 2016; we start to put the pressure on ourselves for all that can and will be for 2017.
During this time it is important to stay calm no matter where you're at in your life or where you,re going. You do not want to get sucked into fear, hatred, anxiety, chaos, the unknown or the pressure to have it all together. Enjoy each and every day as if it is your last; make the days count.
Learn how to quiet the mind so you can keep on target for what you are working toward. When you start to add pressure of the unknown and fear; you will drive yourself crazy. Learn how to breathe in and out slowly, breathe in and out deeply and slowly; allow the air to get into your body so you are naturally relaxing yourself.
Starting a new year is fun and exciting along with being scary and pressured; do yourself a favor and just stay calm. Practice being calm every day and every chance you get. Start to respond to situations instead of reacting, you will notice a difference in how your life starts to take shape.
Enjoy the New Year....Happy New Year....
Just Rita