The main reason why we can't move forward is gratitude is missing. What????? How can I be grateful for what I just went through? Great question, right? We have all learned through and taught through a situation we have ended. Everything we have ever been through or going through has lessons and blessing in all of it. If we are not grateful for the experience we have missed the lesson, therefore we miss the blessings. Think about it for a minute......
We must look at every experience through eyes of gratitude; the situation along with the person involved. When I look at all the people who have been in my life through the toughest of times, I must look at the lesson, so I can see the blessing. This maybe a hard pill to swallow if you are not ready to forgive or see the perspective. Every person who has participated in my life has brought me closer to who I am today. Every person!!! If I did not go through what I did with each person, I would not be writing, blogging, having a radio show, or doing the readings I do for people. I would not have the knowledge to help others.
This is very important to understand. Many of you have gone through great loss and tragedy, I get it, I have too...however, we need to see the lessons to receive the blessings. We need to understand how this world is all about learning, growing, sharing and loving no matter what. When you can start to appreciate your experiences everything else falls right in place.
Just Rita Real Talk