Today's inspiration is fitting because of the internet broadcast show I was on Thursday night with Cathy Baldwin and Ronda Young, you can click on the link, then click on Wellness Sanctuary and listen to the show. I touched on how important it is to really love and acknowledge yourself.
Today's inspiration says it all. It truly is not up to people to like you. Don't feel bad if you think no one likes you. If you truly loved and liked yourself, you would not care what other people thought. Also, if you truly loved and liked yourself, you would be attracting people who could not get enough of you. Think about that for a minute.
When I hated myself beyond measure, I could not attract the kind of people I wanted to be around. I attracted people who were angry and they would put themselves down. Have you ever heard the expression "Misery Loves Company"...when I started to change my circle of friends changed. However, when I truly started to love and like myself; all that is around me are extraordinary people.
Today, learn to love and like your whole self. No matter what you think you see in the mirror, know that you are the most beautiful creature God has put on this planet, and when you start to act like that you will start to see it is true.
Have an amazing day my beautiful friends....Until we meet again.