At the very beginning of this journey I wanted to release 75 lbs....well I have released and gained over 50 lbs....When I started I was 230 lbs., I had gotten down to 190 lbs. at one point. I have dealt with myself in such a way, words can't really express. Right now I am at 208 lbs. I have allowed myself to succumb to stress, changes in my life and plain old self abuse. When I am on track I always do something that will sabotage so I have the excuse of it does not work for me....
How many of you out there are doing the same thing to yourself. For me it has been an up and down journey...however I am not willing to give up. So I am taking today and the next 28 days to continue my journey.
One of the major things that I am learning on this journey is I don't want to be the extremely skinny person. I want to be healthy and have a body that looks great in cute clothes. I think that I put a goal of losing 75 lbs. in a year a little too high for me. I always try to have the bar so high thinking that I will do whatever it takes to reach it, and what always happens is I end up failing. I put the bar so high that I can't ever achieve it...and I do it in everything that I do.
That takes me do the inspiration that came to me today. We need to be kind to ourselves...don't give yourself a goal that is so high; you know deep down you will not achieve it....that could be anything in your life. Be kind to yourself. Make you your new best friends. No matter what, you are your worst friend or best friend....more often than not I am my worst friend. This is how we stay stuck in the abyss of nonsense we keep feeding ourselves.
Start today being your new best friend. You would not treat anyone else the way you treat yourself...so make yourself your new best friend. Encourage yourself that you can do it...don't put things in front of you that you know is not good for you. Always speak nicely to yourself...don't say horrible things to your body, your face, your hair, your clothes....your are an amazing women who God made perfectly....There are no mistakes there. Love yourself no matter what.
Your self-esteem will go through the roof when you start loving yourself unconditionally. It is one of the hardest things I have found to do....however we are worth it. Do yourself the greatest favor and be YOU BEST FRIEND.
Until we meet again.