I have shared with all of you that I have been going through some challenges these days. It is not always easy, sometimes it is quite frustrating. When I came across this quote I had to sit back and take inventory of my emotions and my attitude. I had to be responsible for my part in what I am going through. Reading this has opened my eyes in different ways so that I can handle situations that are coming my way.
If you stop and look at any situation that has stopped you in your tracks or has created anger inside of you...look at the lesson in it. Look at what you could have been different, or what has stopped you to save you from a worse situation. Everything in our lives is helping and guiding us to our next destination. We may not understand it at the time, but it is always revealed to us sooner or later.
What is it that you are going through right now that does not seem to be going your way? What can you learn from it? What is the lesson that you are to learn that will keep you going on your journey? There is always something for us to learn to keep us moving forward.
Here is something personal...I am having issues with my husband. We are not getting along and we are not connected to each other right now. He has been out of work for quite some time and money is extremely tight. I am trying to do what it takes to get ahead and I feel like I keep getting pushed backward. The more I force the situation to change, the more I feel we are getting pushed back. Instead of looking at the situation in a positive light and how I can be grateful for what I already have and grateful that I have my job and business, I have been angry and being extremely negative about it. I have actually caused the situation to be worse. This has also caused me not to be able to breathe along with putting on a few pounds that I have released. I am trying to control a situation that I have no control over.
Look at what you are going through. How can you be different to change your situation around? Think about it my friends....you can change your situation by changing your mindset and getting back on track. It is the holiday season...sometimes it is so stressful you can lose yourself...sometimes you can find yourself....what are you going to choose?
Have a great day...until we meet again.