This journey that we are all on together is so inspirational; some days it is taunting but other days is like being reborn. It has been a year of spiritual growth and knowing how amazing I am. I having been digging deep into myself and really taking my whole self on. I am opening the doors to my future; everything and anything is happening right now for my highest good. I am feeling truly blessed with all the discoveries I have been experiencing.
Yesterday I started a Chios Energy Healing class and I have also been in a class for the fast 6 weeks Creative Mind and Success. I have been learning a great deal about myself along with all the thoughts I have been hoarding my entire life. Look at the picture above...do you see all the clutter and chaos that is going on in that room...do you see the TV that has the snowy screen...inside my head that is what it looks like, and the how I have been feeling about myself is the snowy screen on the TV. I wonder how many of you out there can relate.
Just the other day I was asked "why did I start my It Works business" and to write it down; so I did, I started it because it changed my life and I know that I can change many other peoples' lives with these products. Then I was asked "what is stopping me from doing my business" and to write it down; what I discovered about myself was all the stuff that was put upon me as a child I took it for truth. I was told that I was a slow learner, I was even in classes for kids who needed extra help; I took that as truth. Circumstances that were in my family at that time were not my own but I had to go through it. So as I grew I knew that I would never be smart enough, I would never be successful, I would never have opportunities as other people to succeed and I would always struggle. All those thoughts I have been hoarding in my mind...all the experiences many that were not my own have been piling up in my mind creating chaos that should have never been there in the first place. As I was writing what has been stopping me, I discovered what I thought about myself was not true. It was someone else's truth that was put upon me.
If I was not smart, I would not be able to write the way I do, speak the way I do, learn all the different things that I do. I would not have raised the most wonderful son a mother could have. I would not have been able to attract wonderful people into my life that I do. I took a real good look at myself and for the first time realized that I am smart, successful, and beautiful and opportunities are in front of me all the time. It was such a freeing experience to have.
When I was in my first Chios Energy Healing class yesterday, I saw in my mind's eye that there was this huge whirl wind of thoughts and pictures blowing around like a tornado and they were flying out of the center every which way. I was trying to see what was flying away to get a handle on what was leaving. I felt like a hoarder who was holding on to all these thoughts and experiences because that is all I had...it is scary to let go and start from scratch. However, to start from scratch means that you get to create how it is all going to go. You don't have to have all that negative stuff creating chaos in your dreams and stopping your journey.
When I got home from my class, I fell asleep and had one of the deepest 1 hour sleeps I had had in a very long time. In fact it was pure peace and healing. When I woke up I felt amazing...usually after a quick deep sleep I am crabby and I can't even stand to be next to myself. But yesterday it was completely different. Today I woke up ready to go. I don't think I have ever felt so good mentally....
It is time for all of you reading this blog to start clearing the clutter in your mind. Get rid of all that stuff that is not yours and just let it go. Put a beautiful picture on your TV instead of the snow on your screen. Clear the space so that you can breathe and think clearly and know that you are smart enough, good enough, thin enough, pretty enough and overall the best gift that God has ever created. Put a stop to the Hoarding of Negative Thoughts and free yourself from the bondage. Once you do...your life with reflect who you truly are.
Until we meet again my friends....
With all my love, Rita...