As I embark on my new life and experiences, I realize how far I have come. This whole year for me has been about facing amazing fears and seeing who I truly am.
I have always heard when you are most terrified to do something…that is exactly what you should be doing. When you are comfortable, that is not where you need to be…you are stuck when comfortable. What a concept, we live our whole lives avoiding things we are afraid of and yet we should be doing things that most scare us.
I made some big decisions for myself this past year, one to live on my own, the second to get divorced, and three to open an office along with many other decisions. Those first three were very hard to make along with taking the first steps to put into motion. It is one thing to make a decision, but to put it into action is another.
One thing that I have learned was when I made the decisions and took action, everything fell into place very quickly. My life has literally changed almost overnight. I have never been happier even though I had to go through some tough stuff, but when you only have yourself to answer to; the stress is almost not there.
You will always know if you are making the right decisions for yourself if everything falls into place like magic. The time frame seems to go very quickly and you notice everything is working out for your highest good. When you feel you are making the wrong decisions, you will feel heaviness, things take forever or it is one road block after another.
Now, saying that, there are always exceptions. Sometimes, when everything is falling into place there may be a timing issue or a block; but it will quickly resolve. When you are making a decision that is not for your highest good, you will feel that deep rooted pull that it’s just not right. It’s that nagging feeling, even though things may feel like they are falling into place. Sometimes we may be trying to force an outcome thinking that is where we need to be.
Always remember to go within yourself when you are making changes. If it is something you really want and yet you are terrified, scared or nervous that is where you need to be headed. If you want something or a change because it’s easy or comfortable, that is not where you need to be.
Life is all about growing, stretching, pulling and experiencing. Life will push you far out of your comfort zone so you are living fully. That is where you will find your true self, and what you are made of.
Have an amazing day my friends.
Just Rita Real Talk