As I blog and write things that are inspiring to me or even just working on myself and realizing things about me; I can't help thinking about all the changing I have done.
We are all in a time in our life were we can't help but change every day; we are always learning lessons and evolving. If we sit quietly and reflect on all that we have been through we would see how much we have changed. It would be a moment of realization of how far we have come and how proud we should be with ourselves. I know that too many times we don't take time to acknowledge how far we have come. We are always seeing the old us and never celebrating the new us. How sad is that?
As we grow from young children to teenagers to young adults all the way to adulthood we are always changing. People around us including our loved ones are always changing. If we have made mistakes in our past, we learn from them and change into a better version of ourselves. But reality in most of our lives has shown us that it was not good enough. Reality has shown many of us that our mistakes will stay with us forever because that is the way people are brought up. Reality has shown us that no matter what you do it will always haunt you; this is why we are constantly beating ourselves up. It is a terrible reality until one day we take a stand and think differently.
I know for myself that I was not born with a manual for how to live life the right way. I was not given a book to tell me what is right and what is wrong, how I should live or not live. I am pretty sure all of you out there was not born with the book either. We have all been given the gift of life, to learn and grow at our own pace and on our own journey. We are supposed to make mistakes and learn from them along with loving ourselves unconditionally. We are not supposed to beat ourselves up and punish ourselves the way we do. This is why so many of us do not fulfill our dreams. We are so busy hurting ourselves from past mistakes we can't see the lessons we have learned. This thought is so important to understand.
We need to really start accepting who we are and loving ourselves so much that we would not need anybody else to love us to make us feel better. Maybe if we loved ourselves that much people would start to have respect for themselves; not get themselves in love relationships that are toxic, jobs that are draining on our self esteem, and body images that are so detrimental that all we can think about is how to look like something that is not really real. Think about that for a minute........It's true........ Girls; how many terrible relationships where you in because you thought you deserved that? Boys and Girls; how many of you took a job that you thought was going to be the one and over time you started to feel stupid and inadequate because your boss was not very nice or your co-workers were jealous? Boys and Girls; how many times have you looked in the mirror hating what you look like and wishing you looked different? We have all done it.
Let's start loving ourselves and accepting all the lessons we have learned through our lifetime. We owe it to ourselves to acknowledge how far we have come and changed to be a better version of ourselves. We are not our past, we are our experiences and without that we would be nothing. Take homage for yourself and know that you needed to go through those experiences to be the best that you already are.
Have an amazing day my friends, until we meet again....
With all my love....Rita