The inspiration that I am sharing today really caught my eye this morning...actually there were two to be exact, but this one seemed to be truly important to share.
As we grow and evolve into the people we are destined for, we always worry about leaving people behind. We worry about being alone and when we get to where we are going are we going to be by ourselves? I am almost positive we all worry about this; this is one of the most important distractions that keep us from achieving our goals. However, we are truly the most important person in our lives and we will never be alone if we have ourselves. If we are living a life that we are meant to have, we will always have people around us...they may be different but that is because we have changed.
We need to learn to love and accept ourselves wholly for who we where and who we are and who we will become. When we can spend time with ourselves and not feel alone this is one of the most wonderful ways to be. This is when we can invite people in our lives to share not to depend on. Think about that for a minute....can you imagine inviting someone into your life because you want them there, not because they have something you want or need? Sharing your life with someone because you just want to be with them is seems to take away pressure and expectations. This is something I am learning right now...I love my husband and I want him in my life...not because I need him but because I want and love him. I have finally realized that I can do whatever I need to do for myself to live but I choose to have him in my life because I enjoy him. That truly is something to think about for your own life.
Today let's start practicing loving and accepting ourselves completely. Let the people who are in your life be there because you want them, not because you think you need them. Ladies...right now I am speaking to is okay to want a man in your life, but know deep down you are whole and complete no matter what. We all can truly live without each other, but wanting to be with each other because we make each other happy is priceless.
Have an amazing day my friends...until we meet again...
With all my love...Rita