As I just shared with you how I have been feeling this inspiration hits it right on the head. When I am feeling overwhelmed it is usually fear and faith that are combating; I truly scare the heck out of myself.
When I was a child I thought of myself as a burden because I cost so much with the terrible asthma that I suffered, and I felt like I was never good enough. I felt like I was not born to be great, that I was born to be a pain in the arse. I never felt that I was pretty or skinny enough, I always felt less than average. As an adult I started to do work on myself, I have been realizing that I am amazing and most times pretty awesome. This too scares the heck out of me.
As we grow we develop hidden beliefs about ourselves; like some of the ones I just shared, not being pretty or skinny. We create and take on our families for generations beliefs as well. How many of you heard that "money does not grow on trees" or "children are to be seen and not heard". These are also, hidden beliefs. As a child I can't tell you how many times I heard both of those statements. As an adult I have grown to think that money does not come by easily so you better deal with not getting what you want, and if no one wanted to hear me as a child why would they want to hear me as an adult. These are some of the things that have been stifling my life. But then we are taught to have faith. What does all this mean....?
It means that no matter what you have learned in your childhood or as you grow; your families' beliefs are not yours. Wipe that slate clean and start living your life for you. Take the chances that you want for your life and your growth and have the faith that everything will turn out for your highest good. How powerful is that! Live life on your own terms, not someone else's terms. This can be quite scary, but you can do it.
I have always known deep down I truly am special, however my hidden beliefs about myself have been running in the background of my mind. I have been allowing what other people think dictate how my life is going to go. If something does not work out for one, it does not mean it won't work out for you. Start to let yourself dream and make your dreams come true no matter what. You owe it to you to be the best version of yourself no matter what someone else thinks. It's your life. God gave it to you to do what you need to do. It is up to you to learn and grow into the most beautiful person.
Let's learn to stop the madness of faith and fear combating....its okay to have a little fear but don't let it stop you. Have unwavering faith to get you where you want to go. You will succeed and get everything you want and deserve. You are a part of God; he would never deny himself so don't deny yourself.
Have an amazing Saturday my friends; until we meet again...
With all my love, Rita....