Today's inspiration is so fitting for the way I am feeling today. This particular inspiration keeps popping up in front of me so I am honoring it by giving it some thought.
Be impeccable with your word. To many times when I say that I am going to do something or change a behavior and I don't do it; I don't feel peaceful. In fact I end up torturing myself until I do what I said I was going to do. Sometimes it will take me a while to be impeccable with my word, but when I do calmness comes over me like the calmness from looking out the window at the fall outside. How many of you feel this horrible feeling when you are not impeccable with your word? How many of you tend to beat yourself up and cause you to chip away at your own self esteem when you are not impeccable with your word? It's crazy; such a tiny but powerful sentence.
Don't take things personally. This statement really gives you an opportunity to look at your life and your behavior. It allows for you to see where you were cause in a matter that did not suit you. When we take everything personally we are actually giving away our power. If we could just conceive the thought that most things that we think are happening to us are not; most times things have nothing to do with us but we take it personally causing more conflict. This has happened to plenty of times as I have taken things personally when it was not about me and it went the other way around. People have been upset with me thinking I was mad at them when really I was worried about something completely different. I believe this is fueled by our insecurities and not being confident in our own skin. If you really think about it; people are wrapped up in themselves and what they are going through...many conflicts start with no foundation only by taking something personal that had nothing to do with us in the first place.
Don't make assumptions. How many times have we gotten ourselves in trouble by assuming? This is one of the biggest instigators that cause conflict with us and with others. It is okay to keep asking questions until it is clear what is expected of you. Sometimes the other person may get irritated by all the questions but at least you are fulfilling what you said you would do correctly. To many times I have assumed things that were totally wrong; if I would have just gotten over myself and had been confident enough to ask the questions I would not have dealt with so much drama in my life. It's amazing when you can look at and think about different situations with using this inspiration as a guide. You really do learn a lot at how to handle things.
Always do your best. This is the most important tip on living your life. No matter what you best is do it. When you do your best at all times you feed your self esteem. You become more confident every moment you are doing your best. No one can tell you any different, because you know deep down in your heart you have done your best. You realize that if someone is not happy; that is not your problem, it would be theirs. When you are doing your best, you are giving your whole self to something....what more can you ask for.
Have an amazing day my friends....use this inspiration to reflect and realize you are amazing and you have always been AMAZING!!!!
Until we meet again my friends....
With all my love...Rita