Lately I have been starting a few new things in my life; one of them has been reuniting with my sister who I have not had a relationship with for many many years. It has brought up a lot of feelings for me that I thought I had put to bed a long time ago. Yesterday I had spoken to her and I really listened to what she had to say; I was in awe at the woman she had become and the realization of how much I missed her and actually love her.
Everything that we do has a time and a purpose. We may not realize it at the time everything is happening but when we look back it truly all does make sense. We need to go through things in life so when life is finally going our way we can truly appreciate all that we have. I never thought in a million years I could feel that way about my sister; and I am so grateful to have her in my life. I feel like we are truly connected and there for each other.
The biggest things that we are always dealing with are DOUBT, FEAR, and WORRY; what ifs are always in our present thoughts. I have always been an all or nothing gal; yesterday my sister was teaching me to start to take little steps instead of always jumping in with both feet. Sometimes when you are taking little steps towards a big goal it seems attainable, sometimes those leaps are so overwhelming you tend to sabotage yourself and end up quitting or pushing yourself further back.
My sister also taught me about letting go of control of an outcome; I can't control a situation so that the pain I may experience would be lessened. If I learn to take little steps and allow things to happen naturally I will be less stressed and the outcome will come easier. As we were talking, I was really listening to what she was saying. I could not believe how much sense she was making. I could not believe that this person I was in a great conversation with was my own sister who I had been estranged from for over 20 years or more. I was forever grateful for her wisdom and sincerity; I finally am starting to feel like my puzzle pieces are being put back together in my life.
If someone would have said that you will reunite with your sister, I would have told them you are crazy...Well, crazy has shown up and I am so happy and grateful for all of it. I am so grateful to realize that we have both grown and matured, that our life experiences have taught us so much about life that we can finally let go of our differences and be together really for the very first time. I guess I am going to slow down a bit and realize that what I need is to take some baby steps and start focusing on what it is that I truly want. The best part of it is I have my sister to do it with and I am going to celebrate in that.
Have an amazing day my friends...until we meet again.
With all my love....Rita