I came across an old inspiration I shared this day in 2014; “Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside, you will manifest on the outside.” What an amazing thought.
When you wake up each and every morning filled with negative, loathing and unproductive thoughts, you are actually creating your day. When you wake up each and every morning filled with positive, loving and productive thoughts, you are creating your day.
This morning came very fast and early. When I awoke and moved my body I had a bad headache, I quickly grabbed some head pain relief and laid back down. As I laid there, I felt like I needed to get up and start moving; I needed to start my day no matter what. So I did.
I got the coffee going, kitties fed, breakfast made and into the shower I went. However, that was not all I did. Yesterday, I bought the kittens a scratch house, so I put that together for them before I entered the shower. When I was done, I realized my headache was not as bad as when I awoke. I found that when you put your energy toward something different then what is happening around you, you actually change how you are feeling immediately.
When I went to bed last night, I was so tired; I don’t think I moved all night. I stayed in one weird position all night, and when I awoke my head was killing me. I have gotten into the practice of being different in my daily activities since I have been on my own; and I am so glad I can acknowledge my progress. How I feel on the inside is literally reflecting my outside.
This is something that is so important to understand; when you live a life of doom and gloom, that’s all you have around you. When you are in a situation where you are not inspired to live fully, your outside reflects that; it will feel like you can’t deal with anything. But, when you start to change how you feel about yourself, your life feels so much easier than you ever dreamed.
This year I made huge changes; I decided to divorce and I turned 50, moved into my own place and showed myself I can do anything. Every day I wake up feeling amazing, even when I am sick, I still feel good; this is something I have never experienced in my life. I challenge myself every day, and I acknowledge and celebrate all my accomplishments; I do it out loud as well. I don’t care who hears.
This is something for us all to start practicing; start to really love yourself more than your current circumstances. Love yourself so much you will do whatever it takes to live your life powerfully. Love yourself so much you change the way you look at life and respond. Love yourself so much your whole world is changing right before your eyes; everything you ever dreamed of, you are receiving all of your life desires.
Just Rita Real Talk