This time of year we are trying to end the year, get ready for the holidays, get caught up on the bills, and do whatever it takes to get into the New Year; which leaves us happy, sad, and or crazy.
When you look at that statement and really ponder it, it leaves me feeling exhausted. It’s like we are so focused we forget what this time of year is all about. It’s a time where we need to start slowing down, start appreciating the year and all the celebrations around us; start to spend the time with our loved ones and plan for the new up-coming year.
Love is all around us, at every given moment; but we don’t take the time to notice. We get bogged down with all the he said/she said, along with every little thing that has become so offensive. We worry about so many things, because we are not paying attention to our own lives; we are so worried about everybody else. The crazy thing is, if we could just stop and pay attention to our own selves, we would actually be able to see the love around us.
Think about it…It may not be you, but how many people are so worried about what you are doing? How many times are people trying to keep up with each other, and don’t even stop to look at what they already have? Right? I am thinking and writing "It’s A Wonderful Life" popped into my head when Pete told his Dad George about the neighbors new car, and George blew a gasket…Now, I am not going crazy and saying in the movie it was about keeping up with the jones’…but George said, “Isn’t our car good enough?” This is just an example, as I am clarifying it…but this is how our world has become.
Look at the show majority of us grew up with, “Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer”; now that show has been labeled offensive along with the Christmas song, “Baby it’s Cold Outside”. When does it stop, when can we just start to see things the way they were meant to be and quit looking at everything as if someone is deliberately trying to hurt us.
We need to start to look at everything through love glasses, become tolerant and patient and not make everything about alterier motives to hurt people. Now, I get it; there are things and people out there to cause harm, however we need to quit making everything a problem.
Let’s bring in love, let’s bring in happiness, and let’s bring in joy. Let’s finish this year strong and enjoy what we have in front of us. No matter what the situation, let’s look at the bigger picture and see what we can be grateful for.
Enjoy the rest of your day.
Just Rita Real Talk