It has been a year of so much growth for so many, however, many don’t see it as growth; they see it as “what happened to me.”
I picked today’s inspiration because it speaks volumes with just a few words. The smartest thing anyone can ever learn; is not to need anyone. Men and women together think they need each other to be whole and to be taken care of. People will get into relationships that they know are not the best for them, or they will feel obligated.
We really only need ourselves to live, we have all the tools inside of us to succeed. However, we are taught our whole life we are not worthy or good enough; that we need a partner to be complete. When we start to get up in age, we start to feel the pressure of finding someone or else there is something wrong…
When we are able to be whole and complete with ourselves and take care of our person, we are then ready to be with another. We will then be with our partner because we want to be there, not because we have to be there.
I look at my own personal life with two marriages that did not work; I am 50 years old and finally on my own. I am realizing more and more how important it is too raise men and women who can stand in their own power and live extraordinary lives. We need to start thinking about how to change our views and perspectives so our kids can change theirs.
I think that when we start to love ourselves and know that no matter what happens we can do it, there will be less devastation in our world. So many of us become victims of circumstance; I am finally starting to get it. Taking care of me and knowing I am whole and complete on my own, I feel empowered. I am happy to be with my own person for quite a while and learn what I like and don’t like. The next person who I spend time with will be someone who wants to participate and yet still be independent.
I am so excited for what is to come…Learning to take care of me and not depend on another is an amazing experience. We should all do it, not just women.
Have an amazing day my friends.
Just Rita Real Talk