The past couple of weeks I have been dealing with a crazy migraine that just did not want to let go. Last Friday I went and got a massage that helped a little but the results did not last long. Yesterday I was able to get into a Chiropractor who does acupuncture. I have never done acupuncture before and I was scared to have the procedure done, but the way this headache has been I was willing to try it.
Most of you know I have been in Missouri with a quick trip to Las Vegas for a month. I have been working my business along with helping my mom and dad; needless to say, this summer has been a bit crazy. This migraine started in Las Vegas and it has held on for dear life ever since, it's been a couple of weeks. Dr. Greene in Shell Knob, Mo. is literally heaven sent. He is a Chiropractor who works with energy and opens the flow of your body through acupuncture. I could not believe the relief I got from just one treatment. However, something he kept saying to me through it all was the old energies and blocks I have been carrying along with old injuries that have never been healed. I was amazed that he could figure all that out by the condition of my body.
As much work I have been doing on myself, I am still carrying around baggage. It's that stuff that is buried deep down into my toes that I never wanted to deal with. When we carry emotional, physical and mental baggage it wreaks havoc on us and we don't even realize it. Even when we think we are free our bodies are holding on tight to prepare us for what if it happens again. Here it is, we are learning our lessons, and we don't need to keep that junk for just in case situations. We have learned and now it is time for us to move on. We need to learn how to set our bodies free so we can live our lives.
One thing that really stuck with me that Dr. Greene said, "I am eating away the pain in my body". I could not believe what he said. I have been using comfort food to ease the pain away in my body and I did not even realize it. What he said was true...I did a quick little reel in my head and it is true... I ease my pain with comfort food, once I release the pain and do what I need to do to heal it, my body will not need the comfort food. I have always wondered why I eat the way I do, even when I have been struggling to release the weight...there it was. Someone took the time to help me.
Do everything you can to be healthy and let go of the baggage you have been carrying. It truly is not worth carrying all that around...Your body needs to rest and heal so you can be the best version of YOU!!! Until we meet again my friends. By the way, I am seeing Dr. Greene again on Thursday before I leave to go back home....I will continue with acupuncture.