How is everyone doing on this warm Monday morning? I can't believe how quickly the weekend slips by...I am so grateful I captured as many moments as I could to slow it down a bit.
Yesterday I talked about the most important relationship you can have is with yourself; today is about being open and receptive to learn the lessons you need too to move forward in life.
Today's inspiration goes with yesterday's blog. When we start to be open to learn our lessons in life and not take them personally, so many doors start to open up for us. When we are ready the teacher is always there for us.
Think about "Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know." It is so true; I can't tell you how many times I have tried to avoid things in my life and they kept getting worse until I finally decided to deal with it. One of my major things was money...I hated to talk about it, I dreaded the time of month to pay the bills, I could not be in the same area as my husband when he was paying the bills...until we hit a financial wall. I was trying to get a business off the ground that was failing...our debt was through the roof. I tried to hide from it, keep it from my husband until I could no longer. That was the most devastating day of my life, however when I faced it, it all started to melt away. Now I have no problem talking about money, what we have, how to manage one bill to the next.
What I have found, is when I try to hide or deal with something by myself in fear of what someone would think of me, my situation turns bleak. When I deal with it head on without worrying what someone might think or say, I have learned I am able to move forward quickly.
Today my friends deal with your stuff head on. Don't try to hide from it; it will only get worse. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Until we meet again.