One of the things that I work so hard on is my language. I learned a long time ago what you say and think you bring about. But sometimes you fall into old patterns and don't realize it. But when you do, you need to stop immediately.
Never say you can't afford something; it does not matter if you have the money or not, always say it is not a financial priority at this time. That way you are telling the universe that you are choosing not to spend money on something. Also, if you really don't have the money it allows you to take the pressure off yourself and revel in the fact that YOU chose, not the lack of money choosing.
Never say I am never meant to be successful; that will tell the universe that you have no faith in your future or present moment, you are settling for constant disappointment. Instead say to yourself "I have lessons to learn on my journey to help someone whose situation may seem dark". That way you know that things are happening for you and when it does happen it will stick because of all you learned.
Never say I am not cut out for a relationship; this is telling the universe you don't want love or have anyone around you. Relationships come in all different ways, and the most important relationship you have is with yourself. Once you can fully love and accept yourself, your relationships will start to flourish. You will be surprised who will finally start to come into your life.
The Laws of Attraction is so important to language...If you are complaining about someone or something you are constantly having that come into your life. I just caught myself with the negative language myself. I have been fighting with my husband on how he talks to me, however, I have responsibility in that. What I talk about I bring about. How can he be better if I am constantly stuck on how he speaks to me? I need to learn to not respond to it and keep saying to myself "my husband loves and adores me, he treats me with the utmost respect, and he only speaks positive words to me". With that language how can you go wrong?
Pay attention to your language my friends; it will change your life. Until we meet again....