I miss you mom and dad!!!!
I hope that yesterday's blog taught you to realize that you are doing amazing on this journey. To be able to lose track of time because you life is so amazing is awesome.
Today we woke up and it is a new day...some of us woke up still feeling awesome and some of us woke up maybe feeling tired or maybe like we have to start from scratch...where ever you are at; it's perfect.
I myself woke up feeling tired. I feel like my life is taking such a turn for the better, sometimes you need a little rest...however I am going to try so Qigong this morning to get re-energized for my day.
I love the quote for today "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." How true is that for all of us? Every day we are taking steps we truly don't know where it will lead us. I am learning to trust in faith and in God; I have always been led in a direction that always works out for my higher good, even though some of those stair cases were extremely scary.
I have started and recreated my life so many times...every experience I have had has led me to this point in my life. I had so much to learn so I can be the woman I am today. I am forever grateful I am still young to enjoy my rewards. Trust me I still have much to learn, but it is more fun than taxing....hahahahah
Take your first steps my friends...you will be amazed what staircase you are on. Until we meet again my friends.