What are your goals and dreams? What is it that allows you to get up every morning and keep plowing through? I have so many goals and so many things that I want to do; I don't always know where to begin. Sometimes it does get overwhelming and then I shut down. If you have been reading my blogs that has happened to me and I recently got some insight as to what it is I want and where I really want to go. Now I am plowing through what I want. But first I had to get really clear as to what it was that I wanted. I want to be healthy and look fantastic doing it. I want to be able to wear cute clothes and feel confident in them. I want to put on a pair of heels and feel amazing. I want to look in the mirror without judgment. I want to be a strong proud business women who wakes up every day loving every minute of it. I want my family to never go without again. I am getting clear and it is a lot of work....however I know deep down to my toes I am worth every bit of my dream. My dreams are so big it sometimes is scary...but I know I can achieve them. I am already achieving some of my dreams. Think about it; give yourself some time to really think about what it is you really want for yourself. Then you can start putting the steps in place to achieve your dreams. Make sure that you are dreaming really big. When you dream small, we tend not too put to much effort into it. Make yourself a dream board. I do have one, but it is not big enough...I need to really dig deep and put my HUGE DREAMS UP!!!!
Today I am going to give you some homework. If you do this, you will start to really get the confidence in yourself knowing you can really achieve what you dream. So today, tonight, go home and make yourself a dream board. What is it that you really want in your life? How do you look doing it? Where are you and what do you have? One of my biggest dreams is to go on missions trips. I have been on two and I love them. I want to be healthy and able to handle whatever comes my way...and I want to look and feel great doing it. I also want to be a speaker in my business...I love to get up in a crowd and really let people know how much they are really worth it!!!! I want to be in the cutest black and green with bling outfit changing peoples lives on a huge stage in front of thousands of people. My dreams are really big!!! DREAM BIG my friends and put it on a board so you can see everyday!!!!
There it is....get your homework done. Can't wait to chat tomorrow....have a great day!!!