I am glad to say that I have been keeping up with goals while being as busy as I have been. Now I did not realize it until Saturday night and I was getting ready to step out to a Black and White Party. My girlfriend took a picture of me, and I was shocked at what I saw. You know how we are always so hard on ourselves? We never see the progress, and we keep on stepping on ourselves? Well, I stopped stepping Saturday when I saw my picture. I looked beautiful! Now I am not saying that to be full of myself, but for the first time in ages I saw what everyone else has been seeing.
This is what this blog is all about, the good, the bad and the ugly....the last couple weeks I have been brutal to myself. I am finally doing what I love to do, and getting away from my day job, and it is making me so happy. I was able to speak on Friday night to 380 people about keeping going, never quit, no matter how hard it looks and you may be by yourself, KEEP GOING!!! I had people coming up to me all weekend congratulating me. I have never felt more beautiful, more confident and ready to conquer the world than I do right now!!!
I will be blogging this week, and I will be restructuring how I put up pictures and stuff. I hope that you are all ready for what is in store!!! We have our dreams to catch!!!
See you tomorrow!!!