One thing that I have truly discovered about myself is when I don't blog I am definitely going through a mental thing and when it's over I am right back on track blogging. It's crazy...one thing that is taking me a while to figure out is how to avoid the funks....Crazy!!!
However, today's inspiration is all about the mistakes and the progress we are making. No one person has it all figured out, no one person is without mistakes. We are all truly human even though we try to be super heroes. The key word..."Trying". As long as we are always trying we are always getting one step closer to our desires, dreams and goals. When we stop trying we then lose.
There are two ways to look at trying...one is; Trying means to say you are going to put out effort but not really. The other is; Trying means that you will always achieve without ever giving up. The first one is negative and the second is positive. As long as you stay positive you are going to keep going and make it to your destination. It does not matter how long it takes you to get there as long as you get there.
When I deal with some pretty important things, my mental state really gets bogged down. I have this heaviness in my mind and I can't concentrate; I get so tired I feel sick. It may take me a few days to figure out what's happening but when I do I get into the shower, get dressed and press on. Does it bug me that I deal with this all the time...of coarse...However, I still keep going. I refuse to be defeated with the roller coaster ride that plays in my head.
I am sharing this with all of you because I know I am not the only one who deals with this. I have some friends who have shared with me their stuff and I have learned we are not alone. As long as we keep putting ourselves out there, picking ourselves off, dusting off and keep moving. Our time is our own, and when we are meant to achieve our goals we will...we have to learn the lessons to move on in our journey.
Keep going my friends....until we meet again.