Isn't it funny how time does not have a plan? It literally comes and goes quicker than we can blink; before we know it another holiday is upon us. No matter what happens in your life time keeps ticking on; we need to take some tips from Old Man Time.
What would happen if we just started to enjoy every moment of our lives no matter what. What if we noticed what is happening around us and we appreciated what we have. What if we trusted no matter what happens we will be okay? It truly is something to think about.
What if for one day we gave up our plans, took in a deep breath, we let go of all of our anxieties, and trusted things are going to work out no matter what. I wonder what we would feel like if we tried it for just one day. I wonder how much more relaxed and how much happier we would truly be...
There probably would not be much fighting going on, because everyone would be at peace. I bet people would help each other, because why not, why not help someone have it a little easier. Why not put a smile on someone's face just because you helped them out. How amazing would that be?
It is just about the 4th of July; how many people do you think are at the grocery doing their shopping...how many people do you think are being all crazy and crabby because so many people are at the store right now. What would it be like if you through away your plan, went to the store, was being patient and you made someone's day just because you let them go in front of you, because you are the one breathing and letting it go. Can you just imagine if we all did that?
How about everyone is trying to get home tonight for the holiday weekend...can't wait to leave work and start the weekend with their friends and family. What would it be like if everyone just breathed and let go; what would traffic look like. I bet everyone would get home easier...there would be no accidents because no one was in a rush and everyone got home quicker.
Those are just a couple of examples, but we can be that. We can let go of our plans and just breathe, trust that everything is going to work out just the way it is supposed to. I hope that each and every one of you has an amazing weekend. Give up your plan today and see what is in store for your weekend. I bet this will be one of your best weekends yet!
I am all in, until we meet again my friends...