This inspiration is amazing. We never take the moments to realize how we have come through the darkness to make our world wonderful. We always plug away complaining or crying about how tough things are, but when we are on the other side we don't realize that it was us that transformed to make our situations different.
We all transform into butterflies many times in our lives. It is time that we stop to realize that it is us who goes within to pull the beauty out of ourselves so we can keep moving forward.
Have you ever wondered how you got through the things that you have? Have you ever stopped to think that there was a period of time where you had to go within and really search for the strength to keep going, only to find that you were the magic the whole time?
We are all butterflies in our lives. Life allows us to shine beautifully all the time, but we never notice our own beauty. We never realize that it was our hard work that turned us into the magical creature we truly are.
Start to pay attention to the wonderful things you have been through. Look at what it is that you did to make everything change in your life. You will start to see how magnificent you really are. The beauty inside you shines brighter than anything else. We are so magical; it would be great if we actually realized it.
Have an amazing day my butterflies.