Have you ever put yourself in a position of expecting someone to be on your journey with you? I have. We work so hard in our lives, wanting, waiting for everything to work out for us. When we suffer or feel like we will never get what we want, we start to put expectations on people. We want people to do what we want and that's it...however the people are doing the exact same thing. We are having a tug-of-war with everyone around us.
My question, who is really on your journey? We are all on our own journey. I think we are to be learning patience and see how we can help each other out along the way. I recently started to date and put myself on an app. What's funny is that I have been imposing what I want on people. I want someone who it going to be with me on my journey, as I would be with them on theirs. However, I am realizing the only one on my journey is me. I can have people walk with me, participate with me; but I am on my own quest as the people around me are on theirs. We are all actually helping people along as they are helping us.
It sounds confusing; however, when you really think about what you are up too, is it your dream or someone else's. You have to really think about it for a second, because we make ourselves miserable when we think we are not getting what we want. I am on my own journey, doing my own thing and figuring it out. I have people coming into my life showing me what I deserve and don't deserve. It really is quite an amazing space to be in. I am coming to the realization that whoever is in my life may not be there forever, so it is so important to take advantage of the moments we have.
In this time in my life I am starting to look and see who I want to have in my life. What's important is who will compliment my life, not take it over or do my life for me, as I would not do for them. Even though people come together, we need to remember we are still on our own journeys. Sometimes we mesh, and sometimes we don't. We need to learn patience and compassion with each other.
It's so funny how all of a sudden we will see an inspiration and it puts everything you are doing into perspective. No matter what we are doing in our lives, we are in charge of our life, our journey. No one can tell us what we can or can't do. We just have to make the best decisions for ourselves and continue the walk. We will never be alone.
Just Rita Real Talk