The other day I wrote about happy tears, and today I came across this inspiration about tears; don’t deny your tears any longer.
Tears are such a freeing experience when you allow them to flow. As I sit here really thinking about when I cry, I really do feel better after. I feel like I have released stagnate emotions that need to be forced out with a good cry. It’s almost like I am re-inspired to deal with the situation at hand.
I am thinking back with situations in my life where I lost it, crying uncontrollably and feeling silly when I was done. Almost like, I am too old to be crying. I have even let some people tell me I should not be crying and to quit being so dramatic. When I look at those people, I actually feel sorry for them because they are not able to express their own emotions. It’s that saying “what you don’t like in yourself, you get angry at the person in front of you”…however, “it’s what you deny in yourself, you make not like in someone else who is able to express themselves.”
We truly are mirrors with eye balls and emotions. We need to learn how to express our feelings and emotions, so we can teach our children it is okay. I am so grateful I have shown my son it is okay to cry and show his emotions. He is someone who is able to be patient and loving when he is around people who express their emotions. Sometime we all need a good cry. Men in general have not been given the permission to cry…It is time you guys give yourself the permission to cry. Men have been taught to be tough and deal with whatever comes up…however, a lot of men don’t know how to release their emotions and become angry and violent.
We are at a time in life where everything is the same and yet very different from long ago. People are becoming tolerant and less judgmental, and yet we are still told to quick crying and deal with whatever is upsetting us. It’s time that we start to give our own self permission to express our emotions so we can have the gift of learning and growing. We will be able to see different perspectives of any given situation if we just allow ourselves to express our emotions and feelings.
My friends today learn how to let the tears flow…no matter what the situations, happy or sad, let the tears flow. You will experience freedom when you do.
Have an amazing day.
Just Rita Real Talk