I came across this inspiration today and it left me remembering how I used to be in life. I was remembering how I would stay stuck in my story of what happened to me, and get so angry that it would leave me feeling lost and incomplete. I would blame my problems on everyone without taking responsibility for my own actions.
When I started to really look at where my life was headed, I was not happy. I hit road block after road block. I thought the world was literally against me for whatever it was that I did. I always felt like punishments were always being doled out to me. It was not a good life to live.
One of the most precious days of my life was a mentor of mine telling me to pull my head out of my ass. She said "Nothing is happening to me, it is all happening for me." I didn't understand what she was saying. She had no idea what I had been through and was still going through. I thought it was so unfair to be judged that way. Yes, my feathers were ruffled for sure and my mentor knew it. However, she also explained to me why everything was actually happening for me instead of to me.
Everything that I had ever been through in my life was all for learning so I can be powerful in my life. She made me really think about it before I could even say a word. She had me read a couple of books so I understood exactly where she was coming from. One book was the "Prayer of Jabez", a book that allowed for me to ask for what I wanted. All I had to do is love myself enough to realize that no matter what has happened in my life, I have always been receiving wisdom through experience. The other book was "The Four Agreements", now that was a book that allowed me to dive right into self-development. I could not get enough. Everything started to make sense to me; not right away, but eventually. I was able to see all the lessons I had to go through in life, so I could be the person I am today. Everything I had ever gone through was not for nothing, even thou I did not understand it at the time, I look at my life now and what I do, I would never change a thing.
I was able to learn that everything has some sort of purpose. How we deal with it will allow us to suffer or not, we always have a choice. I had chosen a life of suffering until my mentor helped me see that there are always choices. What I choose is my responsibility no matter what. I can suffer or not; I had to choose. Eventually I chose not to suffer and my life started to change.
I look at everything I have been through, all the knowledge I have gained through it all. I can help so many people because of all the suffering I have been through in my life. I chose my life. I had to be responsible for all my decisions. When I was able to acknowledge and be responsible, life got so much easier. I began to learn faster, and get rewarded in ways I never knew I actually deserved. I am so grateful for my entire life.
Look at your life. What is it that you are holding on to that you are lost in the emotions? Start to look at different perspectives as to why you went through something. There is always something for us to learn and teach. It all depends when we decide to stop the blame game and take responsibility of our actions. I get things actually happen to us, some out of our control, but even still find the lesson. You will be grateful that you did.
Just Rita Real Talk