How many times have we tried to get what we want over and over without success? It's amazing how many times we keep doing the same things over and over and we don't realize we will only get the same result.
This happens to each and every one of us until we decide to do something different. That means we have gotten the courage to walk outside of our box and do something different to finally receive what we really want. Isn't that an amazing thought? To many times we keep doing the same things thinking we will get a different result. But when we finally start changing the way we think miracles start to happen.
We must master changing the way we think...if we have an automatic response we need to stop and think before we respond. If we want something different in our lives we have to be brave enough to step outside our comfort zones. If we want peace and harmony in our lives we need to be able to walk away from what keeps us stuck in drama.
We must master a new way to think before we can master a new way to be; very powerful words that have been written. What is it that you want to be different in your life? Really think about what it is that you need to change your thinking in order to get it....And so it is.
Have an amazing weekend....Until we meet again...
Just Rita Real Talk