Last week I said YES to Secret Sister on Facebook. It seems harmless; you are sending one gift and receiving whatever you receive. However, people on Facebook are such a stand for what’s right, and scams, and anything else that is going on; it does not leave much for just living life.
This Secret Sister is inspiring to me, whether or not I get something in return; I know I am giving love and happiness to someone. When did we all become so cynical, that when doing something kind turns into a scam? I feel like we are all going through so much in our lives, that we need a little gift now and then to perk us right back up.
I sent out my Secret Sister gift last Friday and asked who wanted to play with me. I had such a response of “I’m In”; I did not care if I got anything or not. Knowing that people will be receiving from someone they may not know, to me, is so inspiring. It truly warms my heart.
Today, we don’t receive. When it is our time to get something in return for all that we put out into the Universe, we see it as a scam. Isn’t that something? Instead of saying, YES, THANK YOU, I will receive it…we say NO…SCAM…DON’T Do IT…and we take pleasure from everyone else. We even tell people who are secretly desperate for love in return, don’t do it…and we guilt and shame them for participating.
We all have our struggles, and it’s nice to receive once in a while. How great is it to come home to a gift next to a pile of bills. It makes the bills seem all that much easier to deal with. I received my first gift. I felt so GREAT!!! I felt like someone took the time and thought about me as they were choosing for me, thinking about me as they put my name and address on the envelope, and they are continually thinking about me and wondering how I liked the gift that they chose for me. How amazing is that?
Life can be so hard, we are at the beginning of the holidays and it is such a stressful time. Why not receive while you are busy giving. Why look at it as if someone is taking advantage of you.
Today, receive…receive all the goodness life has to offer. Say yes, to everyone who wants to give to you. Let me know how it works out for you, I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you, Secret Sister, for my gift. I love it!!!
Just Rita Real Talk