"The eyes are useless when the mind is blind...” What a profound statement, and for me has been true. When I look at my life from just a couple of years ago, I found that I was losing eyesight in my right eye. At first I ignored it until a friend of mine said to get it checked out. So, I did...after that all hell broke loose.
When I finally got my eyes checked I found out that I was sick and I had too much spinal fluid building up behind my eyes causing the blindness. I could not believe what was happening. I had to go and get a spinal puncture and be hospitalized to get everything under control. It was an experience I would not wish on anyone. I can't tell you how many spinal punctures I had including a brain surgery. It was one of the most terrifying things I had to go through. I was told that over time my vision in my right eye would come back.
As I waited for my eye to heal, the same thing happened to my left eye. I had to start the whole process all over again, minus the surgery. It was so frustrating, especially getting a lot more spinal punctures done to drain the excess fluid.
One day, I was feeling sorry for myself and I asked "Why ME?" My Angels responded to me, you know longer want to see the life you are living. You are ready to see your life differently. I could not believe what I was hearing. If I was completely honest with myself, it was true.
I had a sinus surgery that helped significantly with the problem and I decided to change my life. I opened my mind to the possibilities of being happy and having the courage to take the steps. Since then I have become unmarried, living in my own space loving every day of my life. I have noticed that my right eye can see normally and my left eye is so much better.
As I saw my memory, I look at where I am today and how much fun I am having. Everything around me may not be perfect but it's a life I enjoy seeing. The more I am honest with who I am and what I want, my vision gets better and better with each passing day. I have opened my mind and my soul to many great possibilities in my life. Look around your life; what don't you want to see? What do you want to see in your life? Have the courage to take that first step towards happiness. You won't regret it.
Just Rita Real Talk