It just dawned on me how fitting this quote is too my opening sentence...As we shed the old us, we are shedding the winter...we start a new...not sure what we are in-store for; but we are on our way to new beginnings.
How awesome is that to think about? This inspiration is very telling and perfect for this time of year. As the winter leaves, we will get some bitter cold days, maybe some snow, bad storms...but the spring always comes. The birds come back, flowers start to poke out from the ground, the trees start to bud, all signs point to new beginnings.
As we too emerge from our cocoons we are not the same person. We go through a lot during the winter months that many people will not know about. We may be different in ways that our friends and family don't understand. We may come off weird or strange...different for sure and that can be quite scary. We always worry about what others will think and say; so, we try to hold on to what we know, when deep down we know we are different.
We spend a lot of time trying to please and fit in; when really, we should be more worried about honoring who we are and allowing our new self to emerge. When we start to honor who we are, friends may start to fall off, some family may no longer participate with us...this is something that keeps people where they are. This is one of the most painful processes of transforming our true selves.
Do you know the saying "If you can count on one hand your true friends, you are lucky"? When you really start to think about that phrase, you start to really look at your life and look at who is for your highest good. We start to see people and things differently. Our plan may no longer be the plan when we start to realize it is not for hour highest good. These realizations can be quite scary. However, when you see it's more painful to be where you are at, rather than where you are may have some peace to make those changes.
I look at myself and my life; I know I am going through a lot of changes and quite frankly it is terrifying. One thing I am grateful for is to have people around me who are for my highest good; who will listen to me when I am down and be grateful to be around me when I am up. I am grateful for my son who is not afraid to tell me what I need to hear, and for myself to listen to what he has to say rather than shutting him down. I am grateful to be in this immersion of self and creating a new life. Letting go of what you know and what may be comfortable even though you don't like it, it's quite telling of whom you are becoming.
Allow yourself to let go of the old and create a new self, and new matter what it is you are doing, give yourself the permission to grow and be your true extraordinary self.
Just Rita Real Talk