How many of us always feel like everything is happening to us instead of for us? How many of us think that people are always against us instead of with us? If you think about all your events that have occurred in your life; you look at different perspectives, you will see everything has worked out for your highest good.
We always grow from every experience we have. We are constantly taking steps forward; even when someone says, "one step forward, two steps backwards." That is not true, we are always moving forward. Sometimes when we take steps forward we need to learn and readjust; that seems like steps backwards, but it is not. We are always learning and growing, some may be slower than others but we all grow.
Start to learn to appreciate everyone who has been in your life, we have learned from everyone. We are all teachers and students, once we realize that we can "Thank you for your part in my journey." How cool is that.
Have an amazing day my friends...
Just Rita Real Talk