As I was thinking about what I wanted to talk about on my show tomorrow, "Worthy" came to mind. So many of us never allow ourselves to feel worthy of all the goodies in life.
Here I am a Spiritual Life Coach and I too fall in the category of "Am I Worthy?" I will doubt myself and punish myself as if I am bad or wrong. When new beginnings begin there is an ending to something. That something will haunt us and allow us to beat ourselves up, making us think we are not worthy.
I sit here thinking about all the things I am leaving behind, then catching myself and saying these are all the things I am completing so I can continue on in my journey. It is so easy to stay stuck in the self-loathing, rather than making the decision and moving forward.
My best friend sent me a quote yesterday..."Fear and Faith cannot exist in the same place at the same time. Choose one." I needed to hear this right in that perfect moment; I choose Faith. I choose Faith because I know that everything that is happening in my life right now is exactly what shall be. Everything is falling into place and I have to continue to have Faith that everything is working out for my highest good. When I sit and think of what will come, or will it come, or what if I fail, or what if, what if, what if...
We get sucked into that self-doubt, self-loath, feeling like we are not worthy and we don't deserve; STOP....we need to stop that direction of thought and CHOOSE FAITH. New beginnings start because a chapter has closed, there has been an ending, things are completed; we need to realize when something new is in front of us it's because we are supposed to take that next step forward in our journey. We are on a path of growth and some lessons have come to an end, it's now time to start a new.
Think about it...when you choose Faith, you don't know what will be, but you will always know that it is for your highest good. Start to change your thought process and know you are worthy of all the good in life. You are worthy to be happy. You are worthy to live and extraordinary life. You are WORTHY!!!
Join in on Just Rita Real Talk tomorrow on Facebook Live @ Rita Domann...12pm cst, 1pm eastern, 10am pacific; or go to the radio tab and listen live. We will really dive into the conversation and I will do an Angel Card Reading.