I have come across some of my friends dealing with these types of issues that I have been able to help them with, because I too have had to deal with my stuff. The Stuff always seems to rear its head when you least expect it; someone comes for a visit, you find something out about someone, you hear a comment or even just a sound that will put you in a tail spin...Suddenly you have turned into Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
When I got married for the 2nd time, I thought everything was going to be perfect. I finally had everything I was looking for; a man who understood, someone who I can share everything with, a father for my child who he could look up too. It was, I thought, a match made from heaven. Within a few short months my world as I knew it would come crashing down. Everything I had ever stuffed down beneath my toes would come erupting up. I was dealing with stuff that I never thought I would have to think about again. My 2nd marriage took quite a hit when I had to dive in my pain and realize that it was not being hidden any longer. I had to do a lot of work on myself, so I could participate in my life and in my marriage.
I find, if you don't deal with your demons, your demons will come find you, so you do deal with them. You can't escape, you are meant to realize everything has happened for your highest good; that may be a tough pill to swallow, but you need to deal with it. I was a victim of my life for a long time until I decided to deal with my demons and realize who I am today is because of what I had gone through. I look back at my life and see a strong little girl who kept on fighting for herself, I also see a woman who is an inspiration to many because of what I went through. I am no different from anyone around me, I just dealt with my pain.
Tune in Thursday at Noon to hear the live broadcast on this topic.
Just Rita Real Talk