Today's quote is very fitting and very telling for what I am choosing to share with you. When we start a New Beginning, something is ending; even though we may be excited we are sad at the same time. We go through emotions as if we are taking a ride on a yoyo. Sometimes we forget the New Beginning is for our highest good because we get so caught up in the grief.
I am going through a divorce right now; it is the best thing for me, however I have struggled with emotions and attachments that grip my heart. "One life to live One life to GIVE" what an amazing quote. When going through a major life change it feels like you are climbing a mountain; it feels so daunting that you doubt yourself that you will make it. Think about it, New Beginnings are terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.
It is so easy to let the terrifying emotions take over; you start to drown in your own grief. You become resigned that nothing will ever be right or work out. We allow the fear to then set in and take over any dreams that we have ever had. I know that I am not the only one feeling this way, that is why I have decided to share my story. Being a Spiritual Life Coach will sometimes allow me to put a huge amount of pressure on my person. I'll think that I should have it all figured out and be able to make anything work. That is furthest from the truth; I am a human being having human experiences and most importantly I am on a journey that has taken a turn...or has it?
When we get lost in the fear of "Can I Do This?", it causes us to stay in situations that are not for our highest good. When a New Beginning starts there is always an ending; that ending can be devastating and sad, but we need to be strong to press on.
When I really look and contemplate at the quote for today, there is someone at the top of the mountain reaching out his hand. That is the team support system that is helping someone reach their full potential; helping them reach their journey. We can't do anything without a support system in play. We need people who will support us, tell us the truth, pick us up when we fall, or just to listen. When we have our team in play that will help us to look past the devastation and move forward in our journey.
I am very fortunate to have many Angels in my court. I have surrounded myself with people who are for my highest good and will help me make the transitions along with the transformations that are needed to keep moving forward. I will have my spiritual self, my Guides, Angels and loved ones from the other side helping me through my journey. I am calling and drawing on all the positive energy to keep me safe, loving, happy and motivated; sometimes the endings can set us back further if we let it.
My friends, I am here to share my story to help you with your story. I will share my ups and downs so we all can thrive through our lives. I will continue this conversation in the upcoming weeks...I will also be talking about it on my show Just Rita Real Talk at and Facebook Live.
Have an amazing day my friends...