This is a time where people forget magic is in the air and become short with all the pressures of the holidays we put upon ourselves. Isn't that funny? We want everything to be perfect for the holidays and we do whatever we can to make that happen and yet we forget ourselves in the process. We start to become exhausted...even more exhausted without the We start to make lists upon lists. We start to become on edge to make sure everything is neat and tidy. We make sure we have every bit of food for every party. We make sure we have gifts upon gifts; even the gifts for a surprise visitor. We make sure that we are super heroes and forget to enjoy the holidays for our own selves.
I wonder if anyone can relate to what I have done in the past. Isn't it amazing what we do to ourselves toward the end of the year to make sure everything is better than it was last year; and yet we are not enjoying any of it ourselves. Maybe we enjoy some of it, what we perceive as the easy stuff...but if you really look at the big much did you really enjoy?
I myself always get caught up in the being perfect mode. Always making sure everyone has exactly as they had wanted and no one is left without. It is exhausting trying to manage every moment and anticipating any unhappiness; but I do it....we all do it. How much fun is that?
How great would it be if we started practicing being calm; being calm in a way where we are not deep breathing or counting to 10....I mean really remaining calm; whatever happens was meant to be and it is perfect no matter what. What if we started to really center ourselves and let the chips fall as they may and be actually okay with it. Isn't that something to think about?
Just imagine yourself during each and every day from December 1st all the way too January 1st; imagine yourself letting everything happen as it should and not worrying about how much more you could have done and how it could have been better. Imagine yourself enjoying laughing, playing maybe even singing whatever it is for you through the whole holiday season.
What would you have to do differently? How would you have to be differently? Think about that for a minute......Whatever those answers are for you; do that now so you can enjoy every special moment of this magical season. No matter how it goes it will be perfect no matter what, so why not enjoy it just as it is....
Merry Christmas my friends...Have an amazing day!!!
Just Rita Real Talk